Tag Archives: health

You Are What THEY Eat!

You Are What They Eat

(Why you should care, how the animals you eat, are treated)

Living conditions:

The living conditions of the animals we eat have an effect on their health and ours. In the last 50 years, livestock have gone from living on farms to Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO’s).  CAFO’s are crowded animal factories where animals are mistreated, fed “shit”, and injected with hormones and antibiotics. The following are how these things effect the quality of the meat and our health.


When the animals live in a stressful environment, the meat has less flavor, tenderness and a shorter shelf life as a result.


Since the 1950’s antibiotics have been used on factory farms to increase rate of growth and to compensate for poor diet, crowded, stressful, unsanitary living conditions. Over using antibiotics, especially for non therapeutic purposes, can lead to the evolution of drug resistant bacteria. This is leading to or has already led to certain bacterial infections being untreatable in humans.


Artificial growth hormones are given to animals to increase meat and milk production. Dairy cows  are given growth hormones to increase their milk production. When they stop producing milk they’re slaughtered for meat. Both the milk we drink and the beef we eat are laced with hormones. The 6 most common hormones used in the US are known to increased risk for prostate and colon cancer in beef eaters.


Animals digestive systems have evolved to eat certain foods. When animals are fed foods that are not in harmony with their digestive system, the animals become unhealthy. When the animals are unhealthy, their meat is unhealthy.

In order to cut cost, here are some of what animals are fed:

•Same species meat

•Diseased animals

•Feather, hairs, skin, hooves and blood

•Manure and other animal waste


•Drugs and chemicals

•Unhealthy amounts of grains

So What Can I Do?

 Look for labels that say….

  • “Animals treated humanely”
  • “Grass fed” (beef)
  • “Animals not treated with hormones and antibiotics” (milk, pork, poultry, beef)
  • “Free range”  (eggs and poultry)
  • “Vegetarian diet” (eggs poultry)

Benefits of Humanely Raised Meat…

  • A grass fed diet boosts the cows health and the quality of their meat.
  • Contains less total fat.
  • More heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids.
  • More antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamin E.
  • Grass fed cows contains higher ratios of healthy fats.

There’s a Reason Why…

  • 1 out of every 2 people get cancer.
  • Girls start getting their periods younger and younger.
  • More guys are loosing their hair at a younger age.
  • Antibiotic resistant strains of bacterial infections are on the rise.

The culprit could be no further than our dinner plates.


To Be the Best Mom You Can Be, Take Time Out for Yourself!

Stress is an unavoidable fact of life but it needs to be managed!
Here are 5 ways to manage your stress. Some of these techniques you may have heard before, some you may have not.

1. Diet more alkaline less acidic
It’s hard to imagine how diet can effect your stress levels buts it’s true; highly acidic diet consisting of lots of sugar, meats, coffee, breads, pasta, sodas etc. can make the body’s PH overly acidic. Eating foods that alkalize the body’s PH like broccoli, watermelon, cashews, onions, egg yolks, kale and more. Not only reduce stress but is a great weight loss tool. Below is a list of both alkaline and acidic foods.

2. Meditation
You don’t have to be a Buddhist, monk or yogi in order to meditate. It can be way more practical than you think. “Get some head space” is a great meditation app. I prefer this app because Andy Pettibone, the narrator,  is not only very chill but very normal. You won’t be rolling your eyes thinking, “this is ridiculous.” It only takes 10 minutes and best of all, It works!

3. Be Mindful
Being mindful simply means being in the moment. Continuously obsessing about the past & future causes anxiety and literally makes you older (proven statement). When you are fully present, it’s impossible to stress or worry. I highly recommend the book “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. It’s a go-to read for me when I’m feeling overwhelmed (which is often).

A simple way to bring yourself into the present is to follow the rise and fall of your breath. As you slowly inhale through your nose, notice your belly rise and as you gently exhale notice your belly fall.
You can also count your breath.  Inhale count ” 1 “exhale  “2” inhale “3” and so on. When you get to 10 start over again at 1. (this works great as a sleep aid as well)

4. Be Thankful
Start your day with gratitude. Be thankful you don’t live in a third world country. Be thankful that you have food and a roof over your head. Yes, there are some people in the world who may have it a little better than you, but there are a lot more who have it worse. I try to remember this when I want to complain that my Starbucks green tea latte isn’t hot enough… Ooohh that makes me so mad!!!

5. Yin exercise
Any slow and rhythmic movements coupled with slow rhythmic breathing can be considered Yin exercises. The intensity should be mild enough that you can do it on a full stomach and not feel sick.Yin yoga, tai chi, qui gong are all forms of yin exercise. Yin exercise rebuilds and repairs the body and calms the mind. I take a yin yoga class at the Yoga Garden in Narberth. It keeps me sane! Type A moms who are always on the go will benefit immensely from these type of exercises.

Life’s tough! Sometimes it can be overwhelming. But there are techniques, like the five above, that can slow things down and make life more manageable. These techniques take practice but the payoff is priceless!

Here are a short list of benefits that can be experienced from these techniques:
Improved Mood
Gain Clarity and Peace of Mind
Reducing Anxiety Attacks
Increased Energy
Weight Loss
Chronic Pain Relief
Improved Immune System

Chronic Mom Pain Part 1

I come across a lot of young moms who experience chronic pain, usually in the low back.

Most chronic pain is from bad movement patterns over the years. The ways we stand, sit and even sleep have significant impact on the way we feel.
One example of this is when parents are standing and holding their kid on their hip, they tend to shift their weight to that side.  This posture throws their hips out of alignment, which overtime, can cause a domino effect of pain throughout the body.
Whenever you’re standing, weather holding your child or not, follow these four steps to strengthen your core, improve your posture and prevent back pain.
1. Stand Tall 
Elongating the body minimizes joint compression related pain such as osteoarthritis of the knees and hips and herniated disks in the vertebrae.
Press your feet into the ground, lengthen your torso and reach the crown of your head to the ceiling.
2. Activate Your Core
One of the primary functions of the core is to core is to stabilize the spine and pelvis.
Pull your belly button in toward your spine and lift those pelvic floor muscles up toward your belly.
3. Squeeze Your Butt
This sets your pelvic position putting your spine into alignment.
4. Screw Your Feet Into the Ground 
Externally rotating the thighs also helps stabilize the pelvis.
Have your feet straight and hip width. With your feet “glued” to the floor twist your thighs externally so that your knees are turning away from each other.
Your body is one interconnected system. When your pelvis and spine are out of alignment it throughs the whole system out of wack. These 4 steps, done consistently over time can, can eliminate low back pain and prevent injuries in the future.

Why sit when you can stand?

7 reasons why you should incorporate a stand up desk in your office.

  1.  Weight Loss
  2. Increases Blood Flow
  3. Increases Energy
  4. Improves Posture
  5. Decrease Risk of Heart Disease
  6. Reduces Risk of Cancer
  7. Lowers blood pressure
  8. Reduces chronic pain

Below is a link to a stand up desk infomercial
